Formed in late 2012, the Gamlingay Archaeology Group (Gamarch) is a friendly and well supported local community group. We meet at 7.30pm on the first Thursday of each month at the WI Hall, Waresley Road, Gamlingay. Membership is open to residents of the parishes we operate within (Gamlingay and the Hatleys) and costs £10 per year. For help, advice or further information contact our Secretary via or feel free to turn up at any of our meetings - you’ll be made very welcome.
Our focus for 2013 was investigating archaeologically the site of a now destroyed tithe barn within Gamlingay. To help achieve that end our members attended training events to obtain the skills necessary, fieldwalked the site and conducted geophysical surveys of the area. In June 2013 we conducted a test-pitting exercise around Gamlingay village.
In 2014 we had three main projects - surveying the Ring Ditch in Gamlingay wood, which is probably Bronze Age, more field walking the Avenells Manor field to collect artefacts to find out more about the Manor and excavating test pits in Hatley. There are details about each project and much more on our website
GamArch met after our Christmas break on 5th February where we received Jemima Woolverton, our Community Jigsaw Archaeologist.
Jemima gave us some feedback on the finds dug up from the Hatley test pit last July, which was located in a field near the old manor. A great collection of pottery spanning medieval through to modern was found, with some unusual examples of Metropolitan and blackware dating from Tudor times. Significant roof tile was also found - red tile and more unusually limestone tile from Collyweston, Northamptonshire was identified. It is thought that this may relate to the demolition of a house in the 17th century on the site. A full report is being finalised and will be presented to our next meeting by Simon Keith and will be added to our website.
More detailed information, photos and latest news can be found on our website.