
A big welcome to our latest affiliated society: Sawtry History Society! We look forward to working with you.

This Saturday, 6th October, 10am - 12.30pm at Hinchingbrooke Country Park, led by David Crawford-White of Oxford Archaeology East.

Come and find out about how to apply for grants for your archaeological work. Spaces still available! Book now.

Jigsaw will be at the Norris Museum at St Ives tomorrow, Thursday 30th August, from 11am - 3pm to conduct geophysical resistivity survey and talk about getting involved in archaeology in St Ives. Do drop in!

We had a good, albeit very cold, time at the Norris Museum in St Ives yesterday! Not quite sure how Autumn has arrived so soon! We set up the geophysics equipment and demonstrated how it worked; however the area was too small for us to do a proper survey (and, embarrassingly, we couldn't remember how to make it start!). However, more importantly for us, we chatted to a few interested parties about setting up a new Archaeology Action Group in St Ives, and we think we have enough interest to make this a goer! So if you live in St Ives and would be interested in being involved in a new archaeology group, do get in touch.

A few of us enjoyed being trained in surveying techniques on Saturday by Nicholas James and Dr Jon Finney. We learnt how to do offset and plane-table survey. Plane table survey looks complicated but is very simple and we enjoyed seeing the product of our labours: creating maps of interesting earthworks! We will be running more opportunities to learn offset and plane-table survey: if you or your society would be interested in learning this, please get in touch.