Total: 15 results found.
- 1. Upcoming Events - May 2019
- (News)
- ... , they are part of our historical as well as natural heritage. In this talk Umberto Albarella will provide some examples of how archaeologists have studied birds in order to understand past human societi ...
- Created on 30 April 2019
- 2. Upcoming Events - March 2019
- (News)
- ... parameters can help to identify and shift research frontiers and cross disciplinary boundaries; not only within the natural sciences but also to the humanities. Open to all, no charge, advance bookin ...
- Created on 25 February 2019
- 3. Upcoming Events - December 2018
- (News)
- ... shing deliberately modified from naturally occurring rocks. ...
- Created on 26 November 2018
- 4. Upcoming Events - March 2018
- (News)
- ... tween ancient conceptions of the natural world and our own. Charge of £2 for non-members. More details at Cambridge Antiquarian Society - Conf ...
- Created on 22 February 2018
- 5. Upcoming Events - October 2017
- (News)
- ... ul Wandlebury - History and Archaeology Fun Day Wandlebury's popular, fun filled family history and archaeology day. Iron Age activities for children – including making rope and using natural stains with ...
- Created on 27 September 2017
- 6. Oakington and Westwick History Society
- (Jigsaw Groups)
- ... areas were test-pitted first at the level of a preserved early soil, Area A then saw full excavation to the level of the underlying natural subsoil while no further excavation was undertaken on Area B ...
- Created on 28 April 2017
- 7. An Introduction to Neolithic to Mid Bronze Age Prehistoric Pottery by Sarah Percival of Cambridgeshire
- (Content)
- ... the body of the clay which may be present naturally or are often deliberately added as temper, to aid construction, firing and resilience of the pot or for cultural or social reasons. The colour of the ...
- Created on 06 March 2017
- 8. Dig Days Are Over...
- (News)
- ... t looks like the pits and ditches aren't sitting on top of natural, as we thought, but are dug into a redeposited natural - probably from when the pond was dug. Accordingly, under our 'natural' we have a l ...
- Created on 17 July 2015
- 9. Of cabbages and kings
- (News)
- ... many marquees can boast their own tea urn and wifi hub... We continued excavating yesterday's features. In Area 1 we've almost finished recording the strange modern burning and redeposited natural, ha ...
- Created on 07 July 2015
- 10. Day of the Ditches
- (News)
- ... . We're looking forward to finding out, and digging up more Medieval cow and horse bones in the meantime! Our most puzzling trench remains Trench 1, which has a layer of modern burning and redeposited natu ...
- Created on 06 July 2015
- 11. And we're off!
- (News)
- ... instead uncovered some relatively modern burning and building debris, some redeposited natural, and a couple of possible features. After that we moved on to our next trench nearby, which found the ditc ...
- Created on 04 July 2015
- 12. Artefact Identification Guides
- (Content)
- ... Flint Flint Identification - an introductory guide to distinguishing deliberately modified from naturally occurring rocks. Flint Tools and Flintknapping - an Ancient Craft guide to flint tool ...
- Created on 19 December 2014
- 13. The March Society
- (Jigsaw Groups)
- The March Society was founded in 2007 to promote and preserve all that is the best in the man-made and natural environment of the town. See their website for more information. ...
- Created on 10 September 2013
- 14. FRAG talk 'Grave goods of the abbots of Peterborough' by Hannah Saunders
- (Calendar)
- FRAG talk 'Grave goods of the abbots of Peterborough' by Hannah Saunders Date 05.13.2019 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
- Created on 11 April 2019
- 15. Wonderful Wandlebury - History and Archaeology Fun Day
- (Calendar)
- Wonderful Wandlebury - History and Archaeology Fun Day Date 10.07.2017 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
- Created on 09 August 2017