Total: 8 results found.
- 1. Upcoming Events - October 2018
- (News)
- ... together at Peterborough Museum and Art Gallery for the first time ever. Each of the treasures on display has either been found in or has a very strong link to Peterborough, such as the Water Newton Tr ...
- Created on 28 September 2018
- 2. Oakington and Westwick History Society
- (Jigsaw Groups)
- ... were also recovered. Four of the burials held smaller finds assemblages, a knife or single brooch, and five contained either no grave goods or a single large pot sherd. The burials belonged to a larger ...
- Created on 28 April 2017
- 3. An Introduction to Neolithic to Mid Bronze Age Prehistoric Pottery by Sarah Percival of Cambridgeshire
- (Content)
- ... collar whilst the lower body is plain. The decoration is frequently formed of cord impressions either similar to those seen on Food Vessels or forming geometric designs such as filled panels or hurdles. ...
- Created on 06 March 2017
- 4. From the old into the new...
- (News)
- ... sting through it. At the top of the field, Mick has been very excited to start cleaning back the ditches in the new Area 3, and may have found a pit cutting a ditch, or vice versa. Either way, there's lot ...
- Created on 13 July 2015
- 5. Day of the Ditches
- (News)
- ... al intermixed with building debris. We're trying to understand this before we take this layer off. On either side of this deposition layer we've found what may be one, very wide, ditch running underneath ...
- Created on 06 July 2015
- 6. Sawtry Archaeology
- (Jigsaw Groups)
- ... Sawtry Archaeology retire to the Sawtry Club or Greystones. You are more than welcome to join us at either venue. ...
- Created on 05 October 2012
- 7. Privacy Policy
- (Content)
- ... either in person, over the phone or via the eforms on our website. When contacting us, you may be asked for personal information such as name, address, postcode etc. Information will be collected only ...
- Created on 24 November 2011
- 8. FEAG talk 'Archaeology and Genetics in Oceania' by Andrew Clarke
- (Calendar)
- FEAG talk 'Archaeology and Genetics in Oceania' by Andrew Clarke Date 01.19.2017 9:30 am - 10:30 am
- Created on 02 March 2017