Total: 8 results found.
- 1. Upcoming Events - June 2019
- (News)
- ... ll known, such as the beautiful spiral bracelet with its fearsome animal-headed terminals. But others which tell us a lot about the grave occupant, like the belt buckle thought from a Roman military be ...
- Created on 28 May 2019
- 2. Dig Days Are Over...
- (News)
- ... t looks like the pits and ditches aren't sitting on top of natural, as we thought, but are dug into a redeposited natural - probably from when the pond was dug. Accordingly, under our 'natural' we have a l ...
- Created on 17 July 2015
- 3. Backfilling line dance!
- (News)
- ... methods to compact the backfill and gradually found that a synchronized approach worked best. We have developed this fundamentally unique approach and thought I'd share the image so that you have it f ...
- Created on 17 November 2014
- 4. Calendar and Advisory Group
- (News)
- On Monday 14th October we held our second Advisory Group which was well-attended by representatives of the Jigsaw affiliated groups. Full minutes will be available shortly, but in the meantime we thought ...
- Created on 16 October 2013
- 5. Autumn Update
- (News)
- Well, summer seems to be on the way out, so we thought we'd flag up some highlights of activities over the summer: In July, GamArch excavated two testpits in Gamlingay. They found hardcore in one (interestin ...
- Created on 10 September 2013
- 6. Gamarch
- (Jigsaw Groups)
- ... from Tudor times. Significant roof tile was also found - red tile and more unusually limestone tile from Collyweston, Northamptonshire was identified. It is thought that this may relate to the demolition ...
- Created on 05 December 2012
- 7. Cambridge Archaeology Field Group
- (Jigsaw Groups)
- ... Research, Downing Street, Cambridge at 7.30 pm. These are open to the public. Current Projects On the Wimpole Hall estate, we are researching the projected outfall from Johnson's Pond, thought to ...
- Created on 22 February 2012
- 8. CAFG Talk 'Snailwell: A Late Iron Age Elite Burial from Southern England' by Jody Joy
- (Calendar)
- CAFG Talk 'Snailwell: A Late Iron Age Elite Burial from Southern England' by Jody Joy Date 06.05.2019 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
- Created on 28 May 2019