
Network with other archaeology and history societies in Cambridgeshire...

Search for your nearest affiliated group on the Google map, and click on its name in the  'Jigsaw Groups' menu.

Jigsaw began as a Heritage Lottery Funded project, designed to support and develop community archaeology in Cambridgeshire. It has proven to be a great success and a template for community archaeology across the country. Although the HLF term of the project came to an end in 2016, Oxford Archaeology's Cambridge Office and Cambridgeshire County Council continue to provide professional advice and support to all of the societies affiliated to Jigsaw and maintain the resources bought and developed during the project.


Project Board

Stephen Macaulay - Jigsaw Project Manager

Hi, I'm Stephen Macaulay the Jigsaw Community Archaeology Project Manager.  It's my role to make sure Jigsaw delivers its objectives and we maximise the opportunities to get as many people involved and enjoying community archaeology in Cambridgeshire.  Since coming to Cambridge in 1992, I have worked to deliver public archaeology throughout the county and I see the Jigsaw project as the next piece in our long history of public and community engagement.



Quinton Carroll - Historic Environment Team Manager, Cambridgeshire

I head up the County Council's Historic Environment Team, partners of OA East for this project. My role is to ensure that the project delivers the

council's own requirements as well as looking for opportunities within Cambridgeshire's archaeological community for closer working.



Sally Croft - Senior Archaeologist, Cambridgeshire HER

I manage the Cambridgeshire Historic Environment Record (CHER), the most comprehensive source of information on archaeological sites and finds in the modern county of Cambridgeshire. My role is to support Jigsaw participants to research and record Cambridgeshire's past.




Jigsaw 2011-2016

During the HLF term of Jigsaw, Oxford Archaeology East appointed two Community Archaeologists who provided access to information, training and equipment, helped to develop community resources, and produced a series of Jigsaw Community Archaeology Best Practice Users Guides. Without the effort and support from Jo and Jemima the Jigsaw project would not have been possible let alone as successful as it was.

jo richards

Joanna Richards - Jigsaw Community Archaeology Officer

As senior project officer for Jigsaw, Jo was one of the two main points of contact between the community and the professional archaeology service. She developed the involvement of groups and volunteers, provided support, advice and guidance and co-ordinated training during the five year HLF term of the project.



jemima woolverton

Jemima Woolverton - Jigsaw Community Archaeologist

Jemima assisted Jo in working wtih affiliated archaeological societies, organising training courses and creating new Archaeological Action

Groups. She was also responsible for updating the website and other online media during the five year HLF term of the project.

Please contact us via email, telephone or mail on the contact details below if you want to learn more about community archaeology in and around Cambridgeshire, to join our mailing list or if you have any questions:

01223 850500

Jigsaw Cambridgeshire, Oxford Archaeology East
15 Trafalgar Way
Bar Hill
CB23 8SQ

Jigsaw brings together all of Cambridgeshire’s interested groups and individuals participating in community archaeology. This new network allows the sharing of skills, expertise and knowledge.

This network allows the sharing of skills, expertise and knowledge.

Archaeology Action Groups
The establishment and development of local Archaeology Action Groups (AAGs) formed the heart of the Jigsaw project and continue to provide the long term legacy of the project. Jigsaw supported volunteers in setting up eight new AAGs across the county, providing them with the skills needed to investigate their local heritage and discover more about the past beneath their feet.

Affiliated Groups
The Jigsaw project aimed to not only develop, train and support new groups. Existing local societies and groups interested in their heritage also became affiliated to Jigsaw to gain access to the expertise of the Jigsaw Project Team and specialist archaeological equipment.

Jigsaw continues to accept applications from existing groups for affiliation. Please download our Conditions of Affiliation and Application Form and send completed forms to us. If you have any questions, please contact us.

We provided opportunities for individuals to also become involved in Jigsaw and meet other like-minded people intereseted in archaeology and the past. Oxford Archaeology East welcomes expressions of interest in volunteering at our office in Bar Hill and on our commercial fieldwork sites in the Eastern region. For more information, please see our website.


Group members, you can login here.

Partner Organisations

We are grateful to our sponsors at the following organisations:



Other Links

Introduction to Standards and Guidance in Archaeological Practice (ISGAP)