missing pieceThis is a new forum available to group members to request help from other members of the Jigsaw Community. There are 5 sections: Training Bank (where groups can request or offer training from other groups), Skills Bank (where groups can request help from someone with a skill, e.g. metal detecting or surveying), Speakers Bank (where groups can request a speaker or offer their skills), Fieldwork Opportunities, and Jigsaw Community Blog (where anyone can write about what activities they are involved in). This does not replace support by Jigsaw staff, but will facilitate closer networking and sharing between groups, and will make the project more sustainable in the long term.


We are now ready to launch this facility! To register, please go to the homepage of the Jigsaw website: http://www.jigsawcambs.org/ and in the yellow 'Portal to The Missing Piece' box, please click on 'Create an account' and enter your details. Your application will need to be approved by Jo or Jemima, and then you are free to participate fully. We hope this will be a really useful and well-used resource; the idea was well-received by the Advisory Group. There will inevitably be teething problems, please do let Jemima know when these occur, as she is managing the IT side of it.