FEAG talk 'Analysis of Human-Animal Burials in Neolithic Britain' by Leah Damman

11.04.2019 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Fen Edge Archaeology Group - Monthly Talk
'All together now: analysis of human–animal burials in Neolithic Britain' by Leah Damman (University of Cambridge)
Thursday 11th April 2019 at 7:30pm
Tony Cooper Suite, Cottenham Village College, High St, Cottenham, Cambridge CB24 8UA
In this talk Leah Damman will share with you her fascination with just how much bones can tell the story of those they belonged to – how much of the puzzle of the past they can represent. Fragmented, mixed assemblages of human and animal bones are common in archaeological deposits, particularly in prehistoric contexts across Europe and the British Isles. Leah’s  research is focused on such mixed burials from Neolithic Britain (4000–2500 BCE), a period where not much more than the skeletal evidence remains. Standard approaches to studying human remains in these contexts yield only limited understanding of the burials; animal bones are usually analysed separately. Leah is studying both the human and animal material by using human osteological and zooarchaeological methods, combined with specialised methods such as cut mark analysis and ZooMS. The aim is to understand more fully what happened to these remains (human and animal) around the time of death, when they were buried and subsequently.
All welcome. Admission: Members £2; Non-members pay £3.