Histon and Impington Archaeology Group (HIAG) is a recently formed association which aims to encourage an interest in archaeology within our local community. We are particularly interested in uncovering the origins and development of our villages.

The group spun off from Histon and Impington Village Society as an independent group at the beginning of 2017 following a programme of test pit excavations in summer 2016 which involved over 250 people from the local community and other Jigsaw archaeology groups.

We promote public lectures on archaeology and history with a local flavour, and organise practical activities such as excavation of test pits and field walking. We also plan to hold workshops and arrange visits and field-trips related to archaeology.

Our intention is that all information and data generated through the activities of the group will be made available to the Cambridgeshire Historic Environment Record.

We like to create and foster links and co-operation between our group and other associations working for similar purposes.

All the income of the group is directed towards furthering   the above aims.

More information, such as upcoming events and reports on activities, can be found on our website at https://hiarchaeology.wordpress.com/

The group can be contacted by email to hisimp.archaeology.group@gmail.com